So interesting! I've been to Death Valley but not to the other parks you mentioned. Joshua Tree has been on my radar for some time. Looking forward to seeing your photos of the blooms you come across!

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Yes, Joshua Tree has an almost mythic status! It’s on my bucket list as well.

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Such an interesting read, love the term superbloom and delighted to learn something new about wildflowers!

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Thanks! El Niño years are very good for us in the southwest. ☺️

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I have to thank you for such a well-laid-out explanation of the relationship between El Nino and the superbloom. I grew up partially in California and I have lived for years now in Arizona, and I've just learned a lot I never quite understood! :)

As I write this, I'm listening to rain drip-dripping into my makeshift rainwater collection buckets. So far we are having a good showing of Eschscholzia californica here north of Tucson, but I'd be surprised at a full-on superbloom. Can't complain after last year's though!

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Enjoy the rain while it lasts! We’ve had a decent amount of snow this year in Santa Fe--our piñons should be happy. 🌲

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That Indian paintbrush is stunning, Wren! I just love that color combination! Hope there’s a lovely superbloom ✨🌞

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Thanks, Juliette! There may not be a super bloom this year, but signs are good for a beautiful wildflower season. 👍

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