I picked the Woods' Rose because I liked it and, having a lot of UFOs myself (in sewing/quilting) I always gain momentum after I finish something. Since it's close to being finished, Git Er Done.

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Yes, actually finishing a project boosts energy!

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It's a vote for the prickly pear from me! A composition with a bee in it=💛

You've inspired me to check out a handbuilt pot I had put aside because I was struggling with the unusual (for me) height. Maybe, just maybe I can bring it through after all, if I can re-moisten it successfully.

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Good luck on the pot—getting the clay back to a workable moisture has to be tricky. 🍀

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That’s a vote for Frieda! I’m more on USO, unstarted object. I’m doing a masters in Baroque studies but my head is darting all over the place, festivals, knights, nuns, food, inquisition! Can’t decide so I’m going to shoo all thought away and just read until the end of January in the hope something forms! Thanks for inspiring a pause!

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That early stage of deciding on thesis subject is a challenge! Good luck! 🍀

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UFO! I love it, learnt a new meaning for an old acronym. Well I have a lot of UFOs hanging around...

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It’s pretty easy to start a collection of them 😉

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